Ανακοινώθηκαν στις 17 Μαΐου 2021, από την Google τα έργα ανοιχτού λογισμικού που θα που θα συμμετέχουν στο Google Summer Of Code 2021.
To GSoC προσφέρει σε φοιτητές από όλο τον κόσμο την ευκαιρία να συμβάλουν σε ένα έργο λογισμικού, και να μάθουν πώς να εργάζονται σε ένα περιβάλλον ανάπτυξης λογισμικού ανοιχτού κώδικα. Κάθε καλοκαίρι στο GSoC χιλιάδες φοιτητές από όλο τον κόσμο συμβάλλοντας στην ανάπτυξη έργων ανοιχτού λογισμικού.

Στο φετινό Google Summer of Code συμμετέχουν 198 οργανισμοί σε εκατοντάδες έργα ανοιχτού κώδικα.
Ο Οργανισμός Ανοιχτών Τεχνολογιών (ΕΕΛΛΑΚ, eellak.gr) συμμετέχει φέτος με 10 έργα ανοιχτού κώδικα, και οι φοιτητές που θα ολοκληρώσουν επιτυχώς το πρόγραμμα θα αμειφθούν με $1800 ο καθένας για την συνεισφορά τους.
Τα 10 προτάσεις έργων ανοιχτού κώδικα του Οργανισμού Ανοιχτών Τεχνολογιών, που θα αναπτυχθούν από τους φοιτητές στο πλαίσιο του GSOC 2021 είναι οι εξής:
1 | Τίτλος | Περιγραφή |
Development of a DIY robot kit for educators | The goal of the project is to develop a low-cost DIY robot kit, see Proteas from a previous GSOC, including the designs, tutorials and use-case scenarios. The DIY robot kit should be 3d-printed, assembled and operated using basic electronics and sensors. | |
2 | MediaCMS – modern, fully featured video and media CMS | MediaCMS is a modern, fully-featured open-source video and media CMS. It is developed to meet the needs of modern web platforms for viewing and sharing media. It can be used to build a small to medium video and media portal within minutes. It is built mostly using the modern stack Django + React, Celery and includes a REST API. MediaCMS is a very useful project empowering communities around the globe to host their own media and content management system. It also helps educational institutes to manage their media and course curriculum by supporting various media formats like Video, Audio, PDF. Docs, etc. This project aims to improve on some of the core features of the MediaCMS:- Revamping the uploader dashboard with analytics in focus- Creation of command-line client for Rest API- Improve on the software internalization (i18n)- Implement Block Storage Support- Implement remote encoding services- Improvements to System Notifications- Create an admin dashboard |
3 | HA-Auto: Node-RED Compatible DSL for Home Assistant | The goal of the project is to develop a Domain Specific Language (DSL) that will enable users of the open source Home Assistant framework to program complex automation scenarios, for connected IoT devices, that go beyond simple automation rules. To make use of this DSL even easier for the end user, the language will be integrated in Node-RED’s flow-based low-code environment. |
4 | Sastix-CMS: A general purpose Java CMS in Spring Boot | The goal of this project is to implement a frontend environment for Administrators andContent Creators/Consumers of the Sastix CMS and extend the current capabilities tosupport the frontend client and the monitoring of the application. The provided solution willsupport multirole access and authorization, simple, secure flows and scalable deploymentthrough docker and kubernetes. |
5 | “PackageInfo WebApp” | This project idea aims to develop from scratch a web application that collects a number of useful characteristics about popular linux distribution software packages, stores them in a database and provides an intuitive user interface. In this way, a user can conveniently query the database information in a read-only way, by setting specific searching criteria. The project consists of 3 different parts: the database that will be populated with the packages’ information, the back-end that is responsible for appropriately querying the database and feeding the front-end with the corresponding results and lastly the front-end, the purpose of which is to provide search filters and present the packages’ information in a well structured way, aiming to a pleasant user experience. The application focuses on the ease of installation and use. The biggest benefit to the community will probably be the easy and direct access to the source code of the packages, via links to the Software Heritage archive; which is extremely useful for new package builds on top of existing ones. |
6 | Creation of a multi user audio first annotation tool | An annotation tool helps people (without the need for specific knowledge) to mark a segment of an audio file (waveform), an image or text (and others) in order to specify the section’s properties. Most annotation tools lack the multi-user feature where multiple annotators can annotate a shared file. In this project, we will try to create a sound annotation tool whose system will contain two types of users. The first one is the annotator who will be able to annotate assigned tasks (audio or video files) and export them in multiple formats (JSON, CSV, XML). The other one is the manager who will be able to create projects, add audio files to them (tasks), assign tasks (annotations) to annotators and edit completed tasks. We will follow a strategy where annotators will not be able to see marked segments of other annotators in order to prevent them from annotating based on what the other annotators have tagged. |
7 | hashesdb | hashesDB will be a command line tool that will help users manage a database of hashes of files. It will provide several database-related functionalities such as insertion, deletion and searching. It will also support fuzzy hashing, a hashing technique based on Locality-Sensitive hashing that makes it possible to perform similarity checking with the use of hashing. |
8 | Extending Deepbots to evolutionary algortihms | Add the option of using different evolutionary algorithms to the deepbots framework which is a library that facilitates the use of RL on the webots simulator |
9 | DeepbotsZero | Implement two humanoid environments for the deepbots framework, using KONDO’s KHR-3HV and Nao as agents. Work on zero-shot learning and extending the current API allowing other users to create new environments easily. |
10 | sch-webapps: aggregator for web-based educational material | [Photodentro](https://photodentro.edu.gr/) is the official repository of K12 educational material for Greece. It contains more than 15,000 learning objects or applications which are implemented in HTML, Adobe Flash, Java or other technologies, and it’s used by thousands of students and teachers. Unfortunately, it has the following limitations:* Flash based applications (2,760) are [no longer viewable](http://photodentro.edu.gr/lor/faq) since Adobe deprecated Flash at the end of 2020.* Applications can’t be operated offline, for example when Internet connectivity is an issue.* There’s no way for users to create their own collections, which would ease navigation.* Finally, teachers should be able to expose their offline collections on the school LAN so that students would use them via any browser. |